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To allow snow removal efficiently Hampden Sydney will not allow any vehicles on site prior to 8AM.


VSBA Master Beekeeper testing will take place from 10AM - 3PM in Pauley Science Center

9:30 - 10:30


Check in at the registration table inside the foyer of Kirk Athletic Center.  Enjoy light refreshments (YES VIRGINIA!  There IS coffee and tea!), mingling with other attendees, perusing the vendors, and hob-knobbing with the event speakers.

10:45 - 11:00


A quick introduction to the event, schedule of events, and "need to knows".

11:00 - 11:50

Keynote Speaker -

Opening Session

Keynote speaker, Mr. Paul Kelly of the University of Guelph - Ontario, speaking on the Honey Bee Research Centre's evolution as it has encountered problems, implemented solutions, and planting for bees.

11:50 - 12:10

Vendor Floor

Take this time to visit our amazing selection of vendors located in the main event space.  Check our VENDOR PAGE for the most up-to-date list of participating vendors.

12:10 - 1:00

Breakout Sessions

Choose your adventure!  Select the session that speaks to YOU and your level of experience.  

  1. "A Year in a Virginia Apiary" - Benjamin Marietta - Crawley Forum

  2. "Let there be Mites! Can we breed for varroa resistance without heavy losses?" - Ryan Williamson - Fellowship Hall

  3. ​"Risk vs Reward: How honey bees manage threats to build resilient colonies" - Phoebe Snyder - Wilson Center

  4. "Swarm Hunting" - Paul Tabor - Kirk Room #310

1:00 - 1:30


Lunch will be served by the amazing Meriwether-Godsey catering company.  Line up for the buffet-style selection of dishes.  Rather wait until the line dissipates?  Visit with the vendors, or sample this year's Three Roads Brewing Bee Line beer, which is 100% crafted with honey from the Fairground Honey apiary, located just a couple miles away from the brewery!

1:30 - 2:15

VA State Beekeepers Association Meeting

The VSBA will hold its annual executive meeting to discuss the election for 2nd Vice President.

State Apiarist, Keith Tignor, will also present his annual State of Beekeeping in the Commonwealth.

2:15 - 2:40

Vendor Floor

Just a quick intermission to visit vendors, refresh your drinks, and make your way to the next session.

2:40 - 3:30

Breakout Sessions

Afternoon sessions for you to choose:

  1. "Virginia’s Part in the Overwinter Brood Measurement Project; and other updates" - Dr. James Wilson - Crawley Forum

  2. "Nuc em! Creating and managing nucleus colonies spring through winter" - Ryan Williamson - Fellowship Hall 

  3. "Feasibility of a Mobile Honey Processing Unit" - Allison Wickham - Wilson Center​

  4. "Keeping Hives Alive" - Greg Sullivan - Kirk Room #310​​

3:30 - 4:00

Vendor Floor & Afternoon Refreshments

Missed some vendors in the morning?  Need to revisit any to snag that perfect item?  Go get 'em, Tiger!  Make sure you sample mead from Breezy Hill Meadworks and Thistlerock Mead Company while you're meandering!

4:00 - 4:50

Keynote Speaker -

Afternoon Session

Keynote speaker, Paul Kelly, takes center stage for his afternoon seminar explaining the Low Varroa Growth Breeding Program at the University of Guelph Honey Bee Research Centre.

4:50 - 5:30

Closing -

Q & A: Panel of Experts

Our assembly of experts will be seated together ready to answer YOUR questions!  

Afterwards, the VSBA will announce election results and award Master Beekeeper certifications.

Finally, the HOVB will announce door prize winners!

*Stay alert for room change announcements if needed

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